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* Welcome to WestwegoMan.com!

WestwegoMan.com is my little spot on the web to voice my opinion on just about anything.

I also cover some computer, website and forum related stuff. Websites have been a hobby of mine for quite a few years. Besides this site, I operate several websites including a fishing site located at Segnette.com as well as a few other private sites.

 I can also be found listed as "WestwegoMan" on most other forums that I am a member of.

If you have an opinion and would like to chime in on any topics, feel free.
Sep 06, 2019, 11:47 PM by WestwegoMan
Views: 13526 | Comments: 0


At this months Westwego city meeting on TUESDAY, Sept. 10, 2019, they will introduce an ordinance that reads the following;

An ordinance prohibiting feeding of stray/feral cats, causing a nuisance to the community.

Well, just what part about it would be considered a nuisance? Is this coming up because the bat...
Feb 21, 2017, 4:21 PM by WestwegoMan
Views: 12414 | Comments: 0

Want the images in the recent image attachments block in Simple Portal to link to the post instead of the actual larger attachment?

In Sources/PortalBlocks.php
Code: [Select]
', $item['file']['image']['link'], 'Replace with:
Code: [Select]
<a href="' . $item['topic']['href'] . '">', $item['file']['image']['thumb'], '</a>

Want the images to be smal...
Pages: 1 [2]

The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Jefferson Parish,

fellow employees, members of the public, suppliers or people working on behalf of the parish.

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