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| is my little spot on the web to voice my opinion on just about anything.
I also cover some computer, website and forum related stuff. Websites have been a hobby of mine for quite a few years. Besides this site, I operate several websites including a fishing site located at as well as a few other private sites. I can also be found listed as "WestwegoMan" on most other forums that I am a member of. If you have an opinion and would like to chime in on any topics, feel free. ![]() Sep 06, 2019, 11:47 PM by WestwegoMan
Views: 13526 | Comments: 0 ATTENTION WESTWEGO CAT LOVERS! SHARE! SHARE! SHARE! At this months Westwego city meeting on TUESDAY, Sept. 10, 2019, they will introduce an ordinance that reads the following; An ordinance prohibiting feeding of stray/feral cats, causing a nuisance to the community. Well, just what part about it would be considered a nuisance? Is this coming up because the bat... ![]() Feb 21, 2017, 4:21 PM by WestwegoMan
Views: 12414 | Comments: 0 Want the images in the recent image attachments block in Simple Portal to link to the post instead of the actual larger attachment? In Sources/PortalBlocks.php Find: Code: [Select] ', $item['file']['image']['link'], ' Replace with:Code: [Select] <a href="' . $item['topic']['href'] . '">', $item['file']['image']['thumb'], '</a> Want the images to be smal... Pages: 1 [2]