Will post updates on more events as I get them.
Thursday, July 25 schedule:
Daylight Fishing Begins
11 AM Pavilion Opens to Public -
* Registration * Food * Merchandise * Educational Booths*
11 AM - 3 PM Children’s Scale Opens at Grand Isle Marina
11 AM - 2 PM Registration for Children’s Crab Races
2 PM Children’s Crab Races at Pavilion
7 PM President’s Welcome Party at Pavilion open to public – (boiled shrimp) – cash bar
Please Join, President Kristine Russell, Admiral Jason Bergeron and
Queen Emma Willingham
6 PM – 10 PM Peyton Falgoust Band * * @ Pavilion
6 PM - Scales Close at Weigh Station Grand Isle Marina
10 PM- $500.00 Give Away Pavilion Closes
Friday, July 26 schedule:
11 AM Pavilion Opens to Public - * Registration * Food * Merchandise * Educational Booths*
11 AM - 3 PM Children’s Scale Opens at Grand Isle Marina
11 AM - 2 PM Registration for Children’s Crab Races
Noon - 4 PM Music by DJ FROZEN
2 PM Children’s Crab Races at Pavilion
6 PM - 10 PM Ryan Foret and Foret Tradition * @ Pavilion
6 PM Scales Close at Weigh Station Grand Isle Marina
10 PM $500.00 Give Away Pavilion Closes
Saturday, July 27 event schedule
11 AM Pavilion Opens to Public - * Registration * Food * Merchandise * Educational Booths*
11 AM - 2 PM Children’s Scale Opens at Grand Isle Marina
11 AM - 2 PM Registration for Children’s Crab Races
12 AM - 4 PM music by DJ FROZEN
2 PM Children’s Crab Races at Pavilion
2:50 PM Rodeo Stage dedication
3 PM Children’s Fishing Tournament Awards at Pavilion
6 PM Scales Close at Weigh Station
6 PM - 8 PM Entertainment by * WISEGUYS *
8:30 PM - 9:30 PM Grand Isle Rodeo Awards for Top Fishermen and Women --BOB BRECK, MC
Grand Prize Drawing for $ 10,000 CASH WINNER NEED NOT BE PRESENT
9:30 PM - 10 PM Entertainment by * WISEGUYS *