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Author Topic: Westwego set to vote on cat ordinance Oct. 14th.  (Read 16471 times)

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WestwegoManTopic starter

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Westwego set to vote on cat ordinance Oct. 14th.
« on: Oct 03, 2019, 3:46 PM »
The Westwego council will vote on the cat feeding ordinance that was introduced last month. The vote will take place at their next monthly council meeting on Monday, October 14, 2019 at 6:00 PM.

Those opposing the ordinance which may penalize those for being kind to stray/feral cats should email the council and let them know you oppose this ordinance.

TAKE ACTION: Let council members know you oppose the feeding ban proposal. Tell them you want to keep TNVR.

Trap-neuter-vaccinate-return (TNVR) is a common-sense, cost-effective alternative for controlling cat populations by preventing births instead of trying to house, feed and kill more cats.

Call the mayor and the councilman associated with their district.

Joe Peoples - Mayor of Westwego

P: 504-347-5745

C: 504-256-2811

Rev. Dr. Glenn Green, ThD. - District 1


P: 504-347-5745

Johnny S. Nobles Jr. - District 2

P: 504-347-5745

C: 504-442-6775

Lisa Valence - District 3


P: 504-347-5745

C: 504-606-4297

Matthew J. Rivere - District 4


P: 504-347-5745

C: 504-285-3352

Johnnie Lynn Thibodeaux - District 5


P: 504-347-5745

C: 504-239-3358


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